i told you i'll be AWAY righttttt.
so yeah.
went to school today.
dah tau results !
maths : 93
english: 79
geo : 79
bm : 73
agama : tkpyh la
sej : tktau lagi
science : 73
now you know how stupid i am, kan.
okay oookay. Lisa dah balik sekolah from Makkah :)
horay Lisa hehe.
okay whtvr.
pegi sekolah, for some reason i'm not hyper
as always, today. Usually i'll laugh by myself -____-
k pape la !
so, balik.
mum bising bising cakap
: "tadi adik dah kena marah dgn mama, tu la
sape suruh tak makan ! "
so dengar dengar dengar. saaaaampai balik.
can u imagine ? my mum membebel from Sri Aman,
past OU then Curve sampai Damansara-my house la.
haishh, in a week if the situation's like this.
i think i can suffer from ODD.
so 3.30 till 6, study.
6 till 8 tgk tv.
8 till 8.30 makan.
and 9 till 10.30 online.
speaking of online,
BAWIE haha
bawie says :
bawie says :
emily says :
assalamualaikum :)
bawie says :
bawie says :
bagus la you ! haha ;p
then blablabla,
and suddenly
bawie says:
so bile hari terbuka skola uuu?
emily says:
bila eh
emily says:
after mid year exam
emily says:
knp ?
emily says:
nak ambik kan
bawie says:
bawie says:
i nk jadi bapak you
emily says:
emily says:
datang tau
emily says:
he he he
emily says:
tp kan
emily says:
eh takde pape lah
bawie says:
bawie says:
markah u terok
bawie says:
relax je
bawie says:
i bapak yg sporting
bawie says:
emily says:
you kena la act jadi bapak sikit !
emily says:
nnt masa hari terbuka
bawie says:
bukan bapak la
emily says:
cikgu observe parents you knowwwwww
bawie says:
bawie says:
bawie says:
bawie says:
bapak tu tua sgt la!
bawie says:
emily says:
hahaha !
emily says:
takpe la
emily says:
dtg je
emily says:
u dtg
emily says:
tgk cikgu
emily says:
tgk my result
emily says:
marah marah sikit i
emily says:
then balik
bawie says:
bawie says:
kan cmtu boleh
hehe bawie bangang.
but hopefully it'll work.
hopefully. HAHA
k pape lah.
pastu Kimy punya lagi bdo.
emily says:
jap jap
emily says:
u buat sej project kat mana ?
- hky says:
A famosa
- hky says:
haha i don't even remember i had pictures there
- hky says:
lol but all i think it will be easy for my elemen 3
- hky says:
emily says:
a famosa ?
emily says:
is it even one of the choices ?!!
- hky says:
- hky says:
yeahh i ada 2
- hky says:
bangunan sultan abdul samad or A famosa
- hky says:
pilih laa between dua tu
emily says:
emily says:
- hky says:
haha youu you?
emily says:
mine ada 5 ke 6
- hky says:
whoaa banyok nyoo
emily says:
sekolah i
emily says:
semua banyak
emily says:
rules lagi banyak
- hky says:
thats why your parents send you there!
- hky says:
emily says:
emily says:
mcm mak i !
- hky says:
i mcm mak you? lol
emily says:
emily says:
- hky says:
and yeah blablabla so, last one.
emily says:
you tau tak
emily says:
damansara boys kan
emily says:
- hky says:
ahahah apaaaa die emily
- hky says:
- hky says:
- hky says:
mcmmane tuuh?
emily says:
i rasa budak kj, usj , subang
emily says:
lagi wayyyyy better
emily says:
diorang kan
emily says:
mcm jakun tau
emily says:
in my tuition
emily says:
3 guys ni
- hky says:
yes yes absolutely
emily says:
igt diorg cool la
emily says:
pasal shisha pun kecoh
- hky says:
emily says:
- hky says:
you are correct!
emily says:
haha biasa la
hky says:
everything that i have been thinking about
- hky says:
emily says:
pastu pastu
emily says:
u know the word kerek kan
- hky says:
emily says:
the 3 guys tu
emily says:
asyik ckp kerek je
emily says:
we know la what's kerek kan !
emily says:
tak payah la nak
emily says:
emily says:
like wtf
emily says:
i could have gone there and slap those 3
emily says:
dah la bising !
emily says:
if u tgk myspce diorg
- hky says:
emily says:
mcm rempit lebih dari rempit yg letak gambar motor
emily says:
- hky says:
you tgh hang out dgn diorang ke time tu?
- hky says:
emily says:
NO !
emily says:
i dont hang out with them !
emily says:
ee pls la
-hky says :
ha ok la. byebye 26/3/09
nnt i'll edit and all.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
saturday , February 14th !
M-E-R-A-H , merah !
merah, is the house for me,
we're gonna rough and tough today ,
we're gonna show you how to play,
1,2, merah,
3,4,merah !!
ookay, i'm too semangat-ed today, btw, that's
the red house cheer song.
and obviously, i'm in red house.
bcse of the whole cross-country thingy,
congrats to Ghytri from yellow house as the Johan for form 3s,
and to Michaelle Phoenix from red house !!! yeayy Michaelle !!
and as always, blue house is leading for now,
leaving red house on 2nd place,
yellow house on 3rd,
and green on 4th.
was fun, anyway.
i didnt get the chance to be on top 20 though,
and congrats to Izzy and Diba,
for making in the top 20.
yeah, so. can't wait for Sports Day,
gotta go,
M-E-R-A-H , merah !
merah, is the house for me,
we're gonna rough and tough today ,
we're gonna show you how to play,
1,2, merah,
3,4,merah !!
ookay, i'm too semangat-ed today, btw, that's
the red house cheer song.
and obviously, i'm in red house.
bcse of the whole cross-country thingy,
congrats to Ghytri from yellow house as the Johan for form 3s,
and to Michaelle Phoenix from red house !!! yeayy Michaelle !!
and as always, blue house is leading for now,
leaving red house on 2nd place,
yellow house on 3rd,
and green on 4th.
was fun, anyway.
i didnt get the chance to be on top 20 though,
and congrats to Izzy and Diba,
for making in the top 20.
yeah, so. can't wait for Sports Day,
gotta go,
Friday, February 13, 2009
saturday, february 14th
we all know its Valentines Day,
and guess what,
now that's what i call, lovey dovey.
eee yer ! :p
xx, emily
and guess what,
now that's what i call, lovey dovey.
eee yer ! :p
xx, emily
hate letter
okayy listen to me, bitch !
you think you're all cute and innocent looking, girl next door ,
but the thing is, YOU ARE NOT !
that's just IT ! alright !
you ! and your little emo pathetic poem, its just
dont seem real enough,
yeahh, FAKE ! is the right word.
you, on the other hand, call ppl fake
but you dont even mirror yourself.
you call me a bitch which made it all clear
that you have no brain at all,
since you have no brain,
let me tell you something
bitches are the one who talks bad
about other people without any investigation.
bitches are the one who spread fake rumours about people,
and bitches are the one who deserves to go to hell and rot.
(girl needs attention)
so much for the low-profile ?
with no regret,
you think you're all cute and innocent looking, girl next door ,
but the thing is, YOU ARE NOT !
that's just IT ! alright !
you ! and your little emo pathetic poem, its just
dont seem real enough,
yeahh, FAKE ! is the right word.
you, on the other hand, call ppl fake
but you dont even mirror yourself.
you call me a bitch which made it all clear
that you have no brain at all,
since you have no brain,
let me tell you something
bitches are the one who talks bad
about other people without any investigation.
bitches are the one who spread fake rumours about people,
and bitches are the one who deserves to go to hell and rot.
(girl needs attention)
so much for the low-profile ?
with no regret,
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
perasan !
you bastard.
you know that you need ?
lots and lots and lotssss of mirrors,
I , for one, am just dont get it , why
A GUY like you is this much of a bitch,
you'd think i dont know
you always hide your online icon bcse you think
i'll go and disturb you and talk crap
with you ,
get lost, get the fuck off,
you dont deserve to live.
bcse you think you're the best damn thing
jgn perasan, dah ! dah !!
jgn perasan you're cute,
hot, handsome, good-looking
and all.
a simple sentence that somehow similar to your name
doesnt mean you're it.
you know that you need ?
lots and lots and lotssss of mirrors,
I , for one, am just dont get it , why
A GUY like you is this much of a bitch,
you'd think i dont know
you always hide your online icon bcse you think
i'll go and disturb you and talk crap
with you ,
get lost, get the fuck off,
you dont deserve to live.
bcse you think you're the best damn thing
jgn perasan, dah ! dah !!
jgn perasan you're cute,
hot, handsome, good-looking
and all.
a simple sentence that somehow similar to your name
doesnt mean you're it.
yeay me
first day of the week,
unsurprisingly, i was late, again -____-
for the 6th times in 2 months,
and i wonder how i'll be doing in the next 9 months,
maybe 24 times ?
ookay whatvr !
soooo, i got a little sore throat today,
and i like it somehow,
Aiman said my voice is like a guy -___-
thank you , Aiman.
i take that as a compliment, hehe.
and yes, the new hair do.
trying to fit in, my friends were like
and goes like
"omg, you cut your hair !"
"ehh pendek ! "
"emily ! is that you ??! "
& most of them goes
"emilyyyyyy, why potonggg ?!!"
hahahaha. weirdo, but it'll grow back
right right right ?
k , nvm.
and today ! February 10th 2009 ,
be a dear and dont tantrums around alright
alright. guess that's it.
bye blog xx
unsurprisingly, i was late, again -____-
for the 6th times in 2 months,
and i wonder how i'll be doing in the next 9 months,
maybe 24 times ?
ookay whatvr !
soooo, i got a little sore throat today,
and i like it somehow,
Aiman said my voice is like a guy -___-
thank you , Aiman.
i take that as a compliment, hehe.
and yes, the new hair do.
trying to fit in, my friends were like
and goes like
"omg, you cut your hair !"
"ehh pendek ! "
"emily ! is that you ??! "
& most of them goes
"emilyyyyyy, why potonggg ?!!"
hahahaha. weirdo, but it'll grow back
right right right ?
k , nvm.
and today ! February 10th 2009 ,
be a dear and dont tantrums around alright
alright. guess that's it.
bye blog xx
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
*tsk tsk*
hey blog,
oh my gosh , my ex-classmate last year , her father passed away
when he was in Spain for some football issues/meeting.
(yes, her father was a refferee)
anyway, he died bcse of heart attack,
this feel so bad you know,
cse everybody cried (EVERYBODY)
Nabila, i'm so sorry for your loss.
i mean, dah la PMR this year kan,
oh my gosh , my ex-classmate last year , her father passed away
when he was in Spain for some football issues/meeting.
(yes, her father was a refferee)
anyway, he died bcse of heart attack,
this feel so bad you know,
cse everybody cried (EVERYBODY)
Nabila, i'm so sorry for your loss.
i mean, dah la PMR this year kan,
Friday, February 6, 2009
what if , there's someone who purposely
sign in person's account,
and read up all the messages
without permission.
clearly he/she is a stalker,
who you thought was a friend,
a very close friend and all
of the sudden he/she changed.
stalker, yeah.
get the fck off.
i dont know why, but you're
a bastard after all.
sign in person's account,
and read up all the messages
without permission.
clearly he/she is a stalker,
who you thought was a friend,
a very close friend and all
of the sudden he/she changed.
stalker, yeah.
get the fck off.
i dont know why, but you're
a bastard after all.
its like this big exam, when you're in form 3 or ninth grade,
wait, is there such thing ?
um, its on
October 4th isnt it ?
not sure,
geez, i hve to improve my memory.
so i dont really have enough time and update blogs so much this year,
but i DO sign in on my myspace acc every single day,
add me up, perhaps ?
WEIRD, i know. dont even mention it, pls.
gotta jet now, toodles
its like this big exam, when you're in form 3 or ninth grade,
wait, is there such thing ?
um, its on
October 4th isnt it ?
not sure,
geez, i hve to improve my memory.
so i dont really have enough time and update blogs so much this year,
but i DO sign in on my myspace acc every single day,
add me up, perhaps ?
WEIRD, i know. dont even mention it, pls.
gotta jet now, toodles
and i was chosen for MSSD ! (majlis something something)
i'm happy , ecstatic, excited, proud, weird, hyper, high, drunk,
gay, and literally afraid,
cause i haven't told my mum yet :S
cunning -__- i know.
damn it , man !
i'm happy , ecstatic, excited, proud, weird, hyper, high, drunk,
gay, and literally afraid,
cause i haven't told my mum yet :S
cunning -__- i know.
damn it , man !
one more thing
i'm...back ?
helloo , hi hi, so yeah, sorry for the looooong lost.
haven't post anything in a while, maybe a month or 2, but who cares anyway.
yeah haha. okay nevermind,

well okay, byebye
helloo , hi hi, so yeah, sorry for the looooong lost.
haven't post anything in a while, maybe a month or 2, but who cares anyway.
yeah haha. okay nevermind,
now, i know it has been 2 months since new year,
well its never too late to wish right ? cause it is STILL 2009.
so , my new year's eve was bangin awesome !
and of course,
crowded, seriously crowded, you cant even walk leisurely
in the space between Curve and Cineleisure ,
i never thought my mum would let me go, cse its like late at night to wait for the whole
fireworks and stuff, but she did !!
I LOVE YOU MUM !! yeayy,
well its never too late to wish right ? cause it is STILL 2009.
so , my new year's eve was bangin awesome !
and of course,
crowded, seriously crowded, you cant even walk leisurely
in the space between Curve and Cineleisure ,
well generally , it was good.
i wonder if i could recall who had i met there ,
- Jenna
-Farid and..his friends,
-Sarah D
yeah i think that's about it,
geez.i wonder if i could recall who had i met there ,
- Jenna
-Farid and..his friends,
-Sarah D
yeah i think that's about it,
ashneeeee, sorry we (nina,izzy, diba and i) left you all alone bcse you were so far behind
and you had to suffer from the snow spray-er,
ashneeeee, sorry we (nina,izzy, diba and i) left you all alone bcse you were so far behind
and you had to suffer from the snow spray-er,
i never thought my mum would let me go, cse its like late at night to wait for the whole
fireworks and stuff, but she did !!
I LOVE YOU MUM !! yeayy,
well okay, byebye
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